  • Peru
    • Cusco
1 to 24 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Host Family
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)


Starting Price
Price Details
The costs include:
- 24 hrs Assistance and support from VS Staff
- Comprehensive Pre- Departure Information
- Airport Pickup
- Orientation
- Accommodation
- Meals
What's Included
Accommodation Airport Transfers Meals
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
Nov 16, 2023
May 06, 2023
88 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Volunteering Solutions, in association with the local organizations and NGOs, offers some interesting and affordable volunteering projects in the city of Cusco. Despite the popularity of Peru as a tourist destination, much of the population still lives in poverty, especially in rural areas. You can be a volunteer and meaningfully contribute towards the lives of these people. You can choose to volunteer for Teaching Project, Kindergarten Program, Disabled Care Project and others, depending on your areas of interest!

Students who wish to become dentists in future can also choose the Dental Elective Program and gain first-hand work experience by shadowing the professionals. Also, being such a culturally rich country, volunteering in Peru will help you to broaden your horizon and learn more about the country's history, heritage and lifestyle!

Consider your impact: Volunteering abroad can be a rewarding experience for both volunteers and local communities, and at Go Overseas, we believe all volunteers should have the resources to make informed decisions about the type of volunteer project they want to partake in. However, despite best intentions, some organizations offering placements in orphanages may unknowingly place children in danger. You can read about the potential dangers of orphanage volunteering here. Learn more about how Volunteering Solutions is promoting ethical volunteering.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Choose from a range of 8 different programs available in Cusco, for a minimum duration of 1 week to a maximum of 24 weeks.
  • Get a chance to do some meaningful work and gain incredible experience.
  • Go and explore the Inca Trails - hike up to Machu Picchu, and walk down the trails of Sacred Valley.
  • Go for the Rainbow Mountains trek and be amazed by nature's beauty.
  • Learn more about Peruvian culture & heritage.

Popular Programs

Medical volunteer in peru

Volunteers working in the medical volunteering program make a genuine contribution to staff working within Peru’s health clinics and medical centers. Volunteers mainly work in medical clinics which provide care and treatment to the people residing in the poor and underprivileged areas of Cusco.

Program Reviews

4.79 Rating
based on 104 reviews
  • 5 rating 81.73%
  • 4 rating 15.38%
  • 3 rating 2.88%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.45
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.8
  • Value 4.55
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 49 - 56 of 104 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Alternative Breaks

Overall, this has been one of the most inspiring weeks that the rest of my group and I have ever experienced. Our tour guide and country coordinator, Jorge, was extremely accomodating, patient, kind, and very passionate about his country. He helped us immensely with everything we had to do with the school and our host families. When our own team leaders could not handle certain things, he stepped in and made everything go smoothly. We appreciate all he has done for us. During our project, my team and I helped to renovate a school for children between the ages of 3 and 5. We painted ad repaired tables and chairs and also painted the classroom. For us, this experience felt like it came full circle. Many of us are the children of parents or grandparents that were not able to get a proper education. We have all been fortunate enough to get an eduaction and see different parts of the world because of the sacrafices made by our parents. Seeing how excited these kids were to learn and how involved their parents were really inspired us. We hope that the work we have done really makes a difference in the childrens´ education.

56 people found this review helpful.
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My experience in Cusco Peru

My experience in Cusco, Peru was absolutely amazing. The VolSol staff was very helpful when I first got there and was very accomadating when my flight time changed last minute. The host family that I stayed with was awesome and the food they my host mom made for me was delicious, I loved everything that I tried. This was my first time traveling completely alone, and it was amazing to meet so many different people during my excursions to the Sacred Valley, Macchu Picchu, and Rainbow Mountain. Even though I was traveling alone I met and kept in touch with so many new people and ended up meeting up with them many times over the course of my trip to explore Cusco. Working in the clinic was also super beneficial. I learned so much from the doctors and nurses and even got to give a lot of vaccinations. This has been my favorite trip that I have taken so far and I would highly recommend it to literally ANYONE.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I ate “cuy” which is guinea pig and I absolutely hated it but I ate the whole thing because my host family bought it for me and it was super expensive.
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


It has exceeded my expectations by a thousand, the family has been affectionate, kind and always to tempt our needs we made each day a different trip of typical Peruvian food, they took us to places to try the best dishes!
In the kindergarten super comfortable with the children drawing, teaching them to play new games, always with a welcome with a smile and a hug of those who hurt, I was painting the street mural ... I leave a small memory 😁
The organization of the excursions have been perfect, subject of schedules, almost always arriving the first place to be able to enjoy without the passing of people, which is appreciated, the insurmountable guides, the agency to tempt to all our questions
I would repeat with my eyes closed.

Ha sido una exprerencia IMPRESIONATE¡ha superado mis expectativas por mil,la familia ha sido cariñosa ,amable y siempre a tenta a nuestras necesidades nos hacian cada dia un tipp diferente de comida tipica de Perú,nos llevaban a sitios para probar los mejores platos !!
En la guardería super agusto con los niños dibujando,enseñandoles a jugar a nuevos juegos,siempre con una bienvenida con una sonrisa y un abrazo de los wue hacen daño,estuve pintando el mural de la calle...dejo un pequeño recuerdo 😁
La organizacion de las escursiones han sido perfectas , tema de horarios ,casi siempre llegando los primeros paea poder disfrutar sin eceso de gente,cosa que se agradece,los guias insuperables ,la agencia a tenta a todas nuestras preguntas
Volveria a repetir con los ojos cerrados.

What would you improve about this program?
That the programs and the information that is received is also in Spanish.
59 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Mi experiencia

Translation: This experience in Cusco, Peru was excellent. Really more than I expected.

The project with the nursery was very rewarding, the children, the teachers and the facilities. Every day we learned something new with the children, we played, we painted, we danced. A complete accompaniment.

The house where I stayed was wonderful, Mom Edith is a great woman, the typical food she cooked was delicious, she looks after me like a daughter and is always willing to help us.

The tours that organized us were wonderful, the historical places, the organization of them allowed me to do both the volunteer projects and the exploration of the country in a parallel way. Love my stay every day. I will definitely return to Cusco and the volunteer program.

Esta experiencia en Cusco, Perú fue excelente. Realmente más de lo que esperaba.

El proyecto con la guardería fue muy gratificante, los niños, las profesoras y las instalaciones. Todos los días aprendimos algo nuevo con los niños, jugamos, pintamos, bailamos. Un acompañamiento completo.

La casa donde me hospede fue maravillosa, la mamá Edith es una gran mujer, la comida típica que cocinaba era deliciosa, me cuida como una hija y siempre está dispuesta a ayudarnos. Los tours que nos organizaron fueron maravillosos, los lugares históricos, la organización de los mismos me permitieron hacer tanto el volutarariado como la exploración del país de forma paralela.

Ame cada día mi estadía. Sin duda volveré a Cusco y al programa de voluntariado.

What was your funniest moment?
Every day discovering the culture.
Every day receiving the love of children.
58 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Programa Medico en Perú

Foi muito proveitoso! Poder conhecer um outro sistema de saúde e uma outra cultura é muito enriquecedor. Aprendi muito mais do que a pratica da medicina, aprendi como lidar com o lado social e com pessoas, com diferentes costumes e pensamentos. Não é um programa pra se aprender medicina, mas sim pra aprender cada vez mais qual medico ou qual pessoa você quer vir a ser.
Sem falar que cusco é uma cidade muito incrível. Mas recomendo se programar para conseguir fazer os passeios porque na cidade mesmo tem pouca coisa pra visitar.
A Host Family foi incrível também. Aprendi muito mais da cultura local por conviver com pessoas que vivem aqui. E sem falar que consegui ganhar muita vivencia no espanhol. Enriqueci meu vocabulario e minha desenvoltura para falar. Fui muito bem acolhida e com certeza vou sentir muita falta de todo o carinho e atenção que me deram (e da comida tambem hahaha)

What would you improve about this program?
Um pouco mais de participação dos voluntarios na parte social. Fazemos muito "paper work".
58 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteer Solutions - Cusco

I spent a month in Cusco volunteering at a small health clinic and had a wonderful experience. It was amazing to see how healthcare works in a different country and to be able to help out. I got to work in three different areas of the clinic which included maternity, general medicine, and with kids. I helped out by doing a lot of paperwork but I also got to learn how to give injections and vaccines. I really enjoyed staying with my host family. It was nice to not have to worry about meals and the food in Peru is amazing! I also enjoyed spending time with the other volunteers. We explored the city of Cusco together as well as many other interesting sites near Cusco like rainbow mountain, Humantay lagoon, and lake Titicaca. Overall this was an wonderful trip and I would recommend it for anyone.

What would you improve about this program?
I think this program can be improved by having volunteers stay with the same host family when there are only 2 or 3 volunteers. The last two weeks there where only 2 volunteers and I spent a lot more time inside by myself since I wasn’t with any other volunteers.
62 people found this review helpful.
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Muy bien

Me pareció muy bien el proyecto y mi experiencia con los niños fue muy buena. Me voy muy contenta de haber podido servir un poco en la guardería y ojalá muchos más puedan venir y vivir esta experiencia, que me confirma que es mejor dar que recibir, porque todo lo que te dejan los niños es muy bonito y sobre todo agradecer el poder participar en este proyecto. También estoy muy agradecida con la familia que nos ha recibido por todas sus atenciones y también el poder aprender un poco de ellos. La atención por parte de los coordinadores fue muy buena, la orientación que nos dieron fue muy clara y siempre estuvieron muy pendientes de todas nuestras necesidades. Además fue una gran oportunidad para conocer este país del cual me llevo experiencias muy buenas.

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Grata experiencia

Fue una muy grata experiencia el poder participar en este proyecto, es una buena forma de llegar a conocer otras culturas. El staff es maravilloso, nuestra host family siempre fue muy amable, la convivencia fue muy buena y logramos crear unos bonitos lazos con ellos, en cuanto a los coordinadores locales no tengo más que agradecerles, su atención ha sido maravillosa y han sido muy comprensibles en cuanto los problemas que se nos han presentado. Definitivamente lo volvería a hacer, han sido dos semanas llenas de grandes experiencias, en todos los aspectos, hemos conocido mucha gente de otros países que también han estado como voluntarios y algunos otros en los tours que hemos tomado, además de poder conocer lugares hermosos aquí en Perú.

What would you improve about this program?
Sería bueno que pusieran un poco más de atención a las actividades realizadas en los proyectos, porque algunas veces no se toma muy en cuenta a los voluntarios.
63 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

The site says "Pre-med, nursing, and medical students" and biomedical science is like a pre-med degree, so we assume the answer is yes. Contacting the program for their answer is also never a bad idea :)

Yes they can do that.