Multiple Locations +2
  • Italy
    • Perugia
  • Austria
    • Salzburg
4 - 12 weeks
Classroom Audience
Elementary Middle School

Program Details

Job Type
Classroom Audience
Elementary Middle School
Apartment Guesthouse Host Family Hotel
Age Min.
Age Max


Salary / Benefits
All training, accommodation, main meals and transport costs between camps are provided by The ECC. See a new town every two weeks throughout Italy, Austria & Germany!
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Airport Transfers SIM cards Travel Insurance
Feb 05, 2024
Oct 19, 2023
247 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Teach English in small towns throughout Italy & Austria during Summer 2024. It's the perfect summer experience for students or recent graduates, especially in the fields of education or languages and/or who want to enhance their teaching experience. The English Camp Company, L.L.C. organizes English Summer Camps in Italy & Austria for 6-14 year olds. We offer an enjoyable, interactive atmosphere where children can use everyday English and improve their knowledge of the English language in a fun, relaxed summer camp environment, using games, songs and activities.

Spend a month not only teaching children, but see different parts of the country, meet new people, and immerse yourself in new cultures while staying with local host families in small towns during the camps. An unforgettable summer experience making memories that will last a lifetime!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Full cultural immersion
  • Accommodation, main meals & transport between camps is provided
  • See a new town every two weeks!

Program Reviews

4.98 Rating
based on 41 reviews
  • 5 rating 97.56%
  • 4 rating 2.44%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 4.95
  • Facilities 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 25 - 32 of 41 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

What an AMAZING summer!

I honestly don't think there is a better overseas program than this one! Working with the English Camp Company this past summer has been such an incredible experience and while there is so much to say about this program, I will try to be brief in writing this review.

When I arrived in Italy, the camp owners (Ashleigh and Nate) met me at the train station and somehow knew exactly who I was. It was a really good welcome and that set the tone for the rest of the summer because Italian hospitality is nothing like anything you've ever experienced before. It's amazing to say the least! They really looked after us, right from when we arrived to when we were sent on our way to our first camps.

The first week was spent with orientation and training which involved getting to know the other teachers, learning how and what we were going to be doing all summer and getting comfortable with teaching Italian students... which if you're not familiar is quite the experience. Ashleigh and Nate were really good at answering questions, and preparing us for the summer ahead. You can tell they really care about you and the other teachers and they really have a heart and a passion for what they're doing across Italy... teaching English. Oh and don't let the idea of being "new to teaching" or "I don't know how to teach Italians" scare you! You also have to remember that when you (and everyone else) arrives in Italy at the beginning of the summer, nobody really knows what they are doing but by the end of the summer, you really feel like a pro. It takes time to get comfortable but after a few days of camp, it just becomes second nature.

While overseas, you are staying with a host family at each of the camps you are teaching at. And trust me, these families are so welcoming and just incredible. You'll end up meeting half the town on your first night and eating some of the best pasta you've ever tasted. You become a part of their family and they really go above and beyond to make you feel at home and comfortable. The biggest advice I can give is try everything and don't be afraid of getting to know them. Spend your time with them, not on instagram or facebook. If you have a sensitivity to any sort of food, these families go out of their way to accommodate. One of our teachers from last year was a celiac, and the family went out and bought a brand new set of cutlery and plates for her so she would be "safe." For me, my host families took me to the Swiss Alps where we climbed to one of the highest stations in the Alps, we went swimming in the ocean, went to Milan, Rome, Perugia, went gliding in the Alps, and went out to eat and see different cultural events. Don't be shy. Get in there and have fun.

The camps are set up in such a way that kids don't spend all day in English classes but rather "experience" English through camp songs (yes you must sing and be crazy), through games and activities as well as English classes. You are assigned your own group of kids that will be in your class for the duration of the camp. Get to know them, they love hearing about where you're from, how many brothers or sisters you have an what kind of pets you have. Italians are also crazy about taking selfies. So go ahead and take a few. Above all, be yourself. The most challenging part of the summer for me was the speaking english part. You need to really break down your English and speak in a way that THEY can understand. This sounds more difficult than it is. Seriously, after 2 or 3 days, it's second nature. And being completely honest, after spending a whole summer overseas in Italy, when I went back home, I actually found it difficult to speak English normally again. Which was amusing.

These camps rest solely on how well YOU perform as a teacher/tutor. This might be intimidating to hear but think of it like this: at the end of the day when you see those kids going home, laughing and speaking so quickly, trying to tell their parents about everything that happened and how much they love English camp, you can be sure that it's because of your hard work and energy. And that's what keeps them coming back.

Although I have hundreds of stories that I could share, I'll briefly share one with you. This was at my first camp and I was teaching the oldest kids (10-13 year olds). We had been working all week on the English Past Tense which I thought wasn't going very well. They didn't seem to be getting it as fast as I wanted and I didn't think I was teaching them as well as I could have. I felt bad. After the weekend, on Monday morning, I had a parent come up to me and say that over the weekend, her daughter (whom was in my class) couldn't stop correcting us on our English. Apparently they were using the Past Tense incorrectly and her daughter corrected them endless times using stuff we had been learning all the previous week. That was a good feeling and the point is that even though these kids might not always express their gratitude or show you their understanding, they actually do get it and appreciate your work.

When asked to sum up the whole summer and what it takes to be successful, I'd say this: To make the summer an unforgettable one, you gotta let your guards down and just have fun, be silly and be energetic. Be bold with your teaching, tell the kids stories, and get to know them. Show them that you want their English to improve and that you love the job. Even when it's +45C outside and you're sweating buckets, forget about it and just have fun. Enjoy every moment and try everything. Don't be shy of not fitting in because they know you're not Italian already so you got nothing to worry about. And above all, relax. It's gonna be one heck of a summer!

Summer 2016... let's do this!

What would you improve about this program?
There is not much that can be improved because the program is already pretty amazing. But if I had to say one thing that they can improve on is: telling us what we needed to bring and what we didn't need to bring.

I definitely overpacked when I came to Italy (and I only brought one bag) but still, would have been nice to know. For example, I brought jeans and a sweater, both of which I didn't wear once. I also brought too many t-shirts and never wore half of them... the reason being was because we had camp shirts given to us that we wore during the day while at camp. So you only needed t-shirts for the evening when you went home.

You also didn't need to bring a computer. An iPad would have been plenty. And make sure you bring stickers and small little things to give out to your students at each camp. They LOVE getting little things like pins, pencils, flags, little treats. Be creative.
53 people found this review helpful.
A lovely 10-hour layover in Dublin, Ireland
Yes, I recommend this program

Hands down, the BEST abroad program in the world.

I don’t know where to start...

Organization/Orientation: By far the most organized and exceptional experience I’ve ever been part of from start to finish. Ashleigh and Nate keep you updated well before your trip to Italy and Austria, throughout and to the end. You'll have nothing to worry about from the moment you arrive at the train station in Italy. Orientation was so informative, eventful, and entertaining. You'll meet people from all around the world and learn about their culture and background. Learning new games and camp songs, taking daily notes, and communicating with everyone are some of the best advice I can give. It makes the experience that much more enjoyable and will nonetheless prepare you for your an exciting summer. I've never felt more equipped to teach English before working with The English Camp Company. The sights are absolutely breathtaking. The food is the best you’ll ever eat in the world. Making lifelong friendships within the first week is inevitable.

Teaching in Italy: Truly rewarding. I won’t ever forget all of the children I spent so much time with. It's an amazing opportunity for anyone considering a career in teaching/education. I was a mathematics major and loved every minute of being an English tutor. I discovered so much about myself while learning about all of my students. I learned how to lesson plan, write plays, and incorporate fun into every activity/game. Teaching in different parts of Italy and Austria will bring its many challenges, but as long as you embrace each day that you're fortunate enough to wake up in and teach in a beautiful country, it'll be a breeze. 3 words: PERFECT. SUMMER. JOB.

Travel/Italian : I lost count of the amount of places I went/saw in only 7 weeks. The beaches are absolutely gorgeous.
Before going to Italy, I hadn't ever spoken the language. By the third week I had learned so many words, phrases, and gestures that I automatically fell in love with the culture and began speaking italian in different places. It's awesome.

One of the greatest and inevitable gifts you'll receive when you travel abroad are making friendships and networking internationally. If you've never travelled abroad you may have a few friends from other countries growing up that you get to know. When you get the opportunity to travel and make friends abroad... it's amazing. It opens your eyes to new places and opportunities. It broadens your horizons and gives you a more open outlook on the world. The benefits of having friends abroad give you places to stay if you want to travel throughout the year, a reference point to the best locations, and so much more.

If you want the opportunity to travel with an amazing, (5-star) affordable program, look NO further. Take the time to apply. You don't have to take my word for it. Scroll up and down and look at all the reviews. Talk about a reputable summer job. The places you’ll go will amaze you. Ashleigh and Nate have the most incredible summer already waiting for you, so why not join.
Look for me in summer 2016.

What would you improve about this program?
I wouldn't change anything about the program. It was truly amazing working for Ashleigh and Nate. I was blessed to be hired, and gave 100% effort each day.
49 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Any Teacher's Dream

The English Camp Company helped me grow into the teacher that I am today. There are so many delightful aspects about being an E.C.C. tutor, that it is almost difficult to choose my ultimate favorite. Working with such wonderful Italian children day in and day out in both the classroom and through fun-filled afternoon activities was the highlight of my entire year, let alone summer. Meeting the world’s most hospitable families who treat you like one of their own, as well as creating long lasting relationships with both fellow tutors and students are just a glimpse of arguably the best experience of my life thus far. Nate and Ashleigh, the masterminds behind this wonderful organization, are two of the most caring, organized and welcoming people on the planet. They make you feel right at home. Orientation was the perfect start to an unforgettable summer because it is a time to meet everyone in the group and learn all of the necessary skills to be successful in the classroom.

Out of the three host families I had last year, I can honestly say with confidence that I cannot choose one I love more than the other. I talk to all of them on a regular basis and I sent them all Christmas packages as a way of saying thanks so much for inviting me into your home for an extended period of time. My favorite Italy memories are the ones spent bonding with my families because they gave me a home away from home in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I learned so much from them, including a little bit of Italian. Each family was different in their own way and I loved learning how to cook meals from their specific regions. The truly want to spend time with their tutor and the kids absolutely LOVE when the tutors go out of their way to enjoy quality time with them as well. I highly advise the new tutors to be mindful of their families, be eternally grateful for treating the tutors like family, and go on the mini excursions that the families plan for their tutors! (The travel opportunities with families are the best)!! The camps are all in gorgeous regions of Italy and each provide an entirely different experience. I absolutely loved the aspect of traveling to a new part of Italy every two weeks. This program allows you to meet new people, live with amazing families, eat the BEST food, teach in a positive and loving environment and travel--- truly an offer that can't be beat!

Working with all of the charismatic, Italian children and passionate staff, and getting the opportunity to travel throughout one of the most beautiful countries on Earth is an experience that I will cherish forever.
This program is without a doubt one of the best out there--- especially if you are looking for an authentic, Italian experience with wonderful families and amazing students. If you want to feel safe, and feel instantly right at home; look no further, because the English Camp Company is the real deal.

What would you improve about this program?

My only wish would be to have a final summer "wrap up" get together so that all the tutors could meet again to say goodbye one last time. I loved orientation so much because everyone was in one place, and it was so easy to bond and create instant friendships! If you have the opportunity to do ECC, you will absolutely LOVE orientation. The English Camp Company is a decision you won't regret.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Opportunity to Work Abroad

Working for The English Camp Company was the best summer experience I have ever had. Ashleigh and Nate welcomed us with open arms. Orientation with the other tutors was fun and informative. I had never made friends so fast in a 3-day period. The orientation camp was a great way to get the ball rolling and see what the summer would be like. Take advantage of this week because it is the only time you get to work with all the tutors at the same time! The actual job didn't really feel like work because you're having so much fun teaching the best kids ever. You get so attached to your campers and host families that you never want to leave. But worry not, you are always a train ride away from the next best camp and family. The experience I received with the ECC far exceeded my expectations. I would work with them again anytime.

Organization: Extremely organized. If you have a question it will be answered. Either by e-mail before you get to Italy or by phone calls when you are there. You never feel lost when travelling from camp to camp because they provided you with more than enough information with your itinerary and how to get there. Camp directors are always one step ahead and making sure everything is planned and ready before we welcome the campers. If we were missing materials the camp director was on it right away. I can honestly say that I never felt at a loss.

Travelling by trains: One of the best parts of travelling in Italy and Austria. You get to see amazing sceneries and spend time getting to know fellow tutors. You are also getting the full Italian experience of train travel.

Host families: I was blessed to have amazing host families. Not one host family made me feel like I was not included. The families are kind hearted, open to learn about you and where you come from, have the best intentions and want to show you around. Leaving host families at the end of each camp was one of the hardest things because you didn't want to. I personally, am still in contact with some of my host families and this proves that they make it feel like a home away from home.

What would you improve about this program?
At times dealing with native Italians can be little frustrating because they have a different mentality. Don't take it personally. Be open minded and you will see that they just want what is best for you, the camp and the campers.
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Perfect European Summer

My first time out of the United States was my summer with ECC. As a first time traveler, I was apprehensive to leave home for such a long time. However, Nate & Ashliegh, along with the other tutors, host families, and kids at camp made me feel right at home. Nate and Ashliegh are the best bosses I've ever had, they are so organized and on top of everything. Traveling from town to town was a breeze, and their camp orientation had me extremely prepared to teach the kiddos at camp! Every tutor I had the pleasure to work with was on top of their game, and colaboration was easy an fun! We even traveled together after camp, some of the tutors will be my friends for life! can't say enough good things about my host families, these wonderful people went out of their way to make me feel like a part of the family! They cooked amazing meals and brought me to cities such as Milan and Rome. The days at camp were alway fun and well organized! Everyday I was amazed by the kids and their excitment for English. You will work hard, you will meet amazing people, eat wonderful food, see beautiful place, and never want to go home.

What would you improve about this program?
This is a stretch, but they could emphasize brushing up on your camp songs before you arrive. A vast knowledge of camp songs makes the morning warm up that much more enjoyable for everyone involved!
55 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


My experience with the English Camp Company was absolutely incredible. Nate and Ashley are great and they definitely make sure that you are well prepared to teach english efficiently at all the camps. The training week is a blast and very informative. Everything is set up perfectly: the host families, the various camp locations, the train tickets. Every new location was a new adventure and getting from one place to another was very simple. This is an excellent way to see the country. I was able to be in the very south of Italy, as well as up north. And then the transition to Austria blew my mind. Each culture was fascinating and there is plenty of time outside of the teaching hours to discover the food, people, and country. Finally, the children at the camps were a joy to work with. Their energy was constant!

What would you improve about this program?
Preparation for the final show was mildly stressful for me. However, most of the other tutors loved this and put together excellent skits.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I genuinely cannot express how much I loved working with The English Camp Company! The weather is generally glorious, the campers are so much fun and I personally befriended people who I hope I will know forever!
Although the days are long at camp, they fly by and before you know it, you'll be devastated that camp is over and you have to leave the kids for another town! :)
The host families are soo sweet and will go out of their way to make sure you are comfortable and well fed! Similarly, Ash and Nate (the company directors) take good care of you from day one of your application and are always just a phone call away!
If you want to have an amazing summer and meet plenty of interesting and hilarious people, then work with The English Camp Company! :) :)

What would you improve about this program?
If I could change one thing, it would be that I went to Italy in time for the first orientation, rather than waiting for the end of June to fly over!!
57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ECC 2013 Summer to remember

Many adjectives can be used to describe my experiences in Italy, and pretty much all of them are positive.

This experience not only gives you the chance to put some work on your CV it gives you something I think a bit more important than that, memories, and friends which can last can last a lifetime.

There are I would say 5 things which make this summer job special

1. The orientation where you meet people from all across the world, share stories, play games, learn camp songs, and also gain professional advice and experience in teaching English as a foreign language. An absolute blast.

2. The host families. You would have to be VERY unlucky to have a host family who doesn't take excellent care of you. In my experience my host families were bordering on perfect. The food was exquisite, and the general level of hospitality is something I have never experienced ever before in my life. They always take care of you, no matter what. Just make sure you respect them and don't take them for granted. I couldn't express my appreciation enough.

3. The work. If you love working with kids, and that's important, you couldn't find a better job. You start the day with singing camp songs, and go into lessons which you can make your own, just as long as the kids can understand what you are doing! Making the lessons fun is paramount in my experience, as bored kids = a bad experience for them. When they have fun and enjoy what they are doing, you have fun. But make sure they are learning English at the same time.
The afternoon activities are also a blast, and you can get involved yourself, just don't be too competitive! It ranges from sport to crafts to water games, and you might be terrible at one activity, so just as long as you can explain WHAT they have to do and give them guidance, you don't necessarily need to get involved, as you might be worse than the kids are! But even at the end of the day you are tired, and the first thing you do when you get home is sleep, in the morning you won't have a problem getting up and going to work I promise. If you do then you're in the wrong job.

4. The people. First our bosses (Nate & Ashleigh) were tremendous in giving us help and support both in orientation and when we were at camp, although at camp you usually liaise with your camp director if you have any issues. You get the opportunity to know them a little, and talk to them which I think is great, as in some workplaces you can feel a distance between your employers.
Then secondly is your fellow staff members. These are the people who I think make the experience what it is. You are all there for the same reason, so you should all at least have something in common. I had so many laughs with the people I met, they were the greatest people, both as professionals and as friends. I can't emphasise how fun it was to spend time with these people.

5. Travel opportunities. Not really work related, but if you are lucky enough to go to a camp which is near some famous sights, your families might be willing to take you there, and also if you are financially stable you might be able to see some of the many gems which Italy has to offer. In my time in Italy I saw, Pisa, Florence (twice), Venice, Milan (where I saw AC Milan play), Cesena, Cinque Terre, and many other beautiful places which I'm sure you will have never heard of. Italy is probably the most beautiful country in Europe.

So if you're thinking about applying just do it. You won't regret it.

55 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Usually between 18 and 35 but we are happy to receive applications from anyone over 18.

No you don't. We are happy to read applications from anyone.

Each tutor plans their own lessons based around topics in the books that we have at the camp. Each age level has a suitable level book.