  • Spain
    • Granada
Academic Year, Fall, Spring
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, BIPOC funding
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Program Details

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Degree Level
Dormitory Host Family


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Accommodation Some Activities Classes Wifi
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Airfare Visa
Nov 27, 2023
Apr 12, 2024
38 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Many travelers who visit Granada insist it's the must-see city in all of Spain. With one of the clearest windows into Spain's unique historical symbiosis of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, the IES Abroad curriculum takes full advantage of Andalusia and all southern Spain has to offer including cultural excursions

Two semesters of college-level Spanish are required to enroll in the Intermediate Program and four semesters are required to enroll in the Advanced Program. Both Intermediate and Advanced students are required to take a Spanish language course alongside English taught area studies courses. All majors are welcome to apply. Students can immerse themselves in Spanish language and culture by living with a local family in a homestay, or meet other international and local students in a residence hall and Colegios Mayores.

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Diversity & Inclusion

LGBTQIA+ Support

Today, and every day, we celebrate who you are and who you will become. We take pride in simply getting to know you, and look forward to adventuring through this incredible world with you.

Studying abroad as part of the LGBTQIA+ community can present unique opportunities and challenges in exploring a new culture, so we have compiled resources on sexual orientation, gender identity, and allyship to help prepare you and support you along the way.

Neurodivergent Support

Going abroad, whether this is your first time or your umpteenth, can be a trip both literally and figuratively. Seeing something new or being someplace unfamiliar has its own challenges, especially when it comes to mental health and physical accessibility. With IES Abroad, you won't handle these concerns on your own.

We have not only compiled resources on mental health, physical health, and self-care to help prepare you and support you along the way, but we also have a dedicated Student Affairs staff that are available for you to contact from the United States and once in your host country.

Accessibility Support

Going abroad, whether this is your first time or your umpteenth, can be a trip both literally and figuratively. Seeing something new or being someplace unfamiliar has its own challenges, especially when it comes to mental health and physical accessibility. With IES Abroad, you won't handle these concerns on your own.

We have not only compiled resources on mental health, physical health, and self-care to help prepare you and support you along the way, but we also have a dedicated Student Affairs staff that are available for you to contact from the United States and once in your host country.



As part of IES Abroad's Global Good Commitment, IES Abroad employs sustainability measures in the following ways:
-Moving toward more sustainable Headquarters and Centers abroad
-Producing printed materials mindfully
-Hosting events and conferences in LEED-certified buildings
-Purchasing carbon offsets for staff air travel
-The formation of the IES Abroad Sustainability Team - a dedicated group of volunteers responsible for implementing sustainable practices across our organization. The team comprises of members across our Centers, departments, teams. It is truly a global effort, and we are better for it.

Program Highlights

  • The IES Abroad Center gives students the space to study on the terrace or in the library with high speed internet and printer access
  • IES Abroad offers students the chance to expand their study abroad experience by taking an internship
  • All elective courses center around Spanish culture, heritage, arts, and society
  • Students that stay in Colegios Mayores in the fall semester will spend their first month of the program staying with a local host family
  • Past cultural excursions have been to Morocco, Gibraltar, Seville, and Cabo de Gata, among other locations

Popular Programs

three students smiling with stone buildings and palm trees behind them

Designed to improve your Spanish proficiency, students are placed into either the Intermediate or Advanced Spanish Program. Intermediate Program students take IES Abroad courses in both English and Spanish. Advanced Program courses are conducted entirely in Spanish, including study at the Universidad de Granada. Both options introduce you to Spain’s Moorish heritage and Jewish past, and its continuing links to North Africa through Islamic and Contemporary North African Studies.

Program Reviews

4.93 Rating
based on 83 reviews
  • 5 rating 92.77%
  • 4 rating 7.23%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.4
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.85
  • Housing 4.9
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 9 - 16 of 83 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

¡Un semestre inolvidable!

IES Granada was an awesome experience, and I would recommend it to anyone with a Spanish language background willing to explore this beautiful city and culture!

IES Abroad and IES Granada staff were super helpful, from the beginning by making sure we got our visas ready to our 2-day orientation program in Málaga. Throughout the semester, they made sure that we were settling in okay, meeting locals, and then preparing for our return home. I ended up having a foot injury that lasted throughout the semester, but the staff was super kind about checking in on me, and also arranging doctors visits with a translator and taxi up to the hospital.

We always knew what was happening in Granada because of the weekly Agenda email that we received. Our orientation leader joked that she forwards it to all her friends because it is the most comprehensive list of events in the city. IES also planned field trips within Southern Spain and to Morocco to help us learn more about the region's history and stunning sites. The Morocco trip, optional but most students choose to go, was carefully planned to be more than just a tourist visit, as we stayed with host families for 2 nights and met with 2 NGOs and a lot of local students.

The best part about my experience was getting to know locals. I found two groups of local students, one through an "intercambio" program that IES set up to give us each a language partner, and the other through the university church group. Both groups welcomed me in, and I was able to improve my Spanish a lot and and learn more about Spain through these friendships. I´m already trying to figure out when to return because of these strong connections that I made!

On the academic side, IES has a lot of great classes to offer its students at its own program site, with professors from the University of Granada. I was able to take all of my classes in Spanish, but in a smaller classroom than at the university. We were able to explore much of the city and its history through classes like Islamic Art and Architecture, or take classes I wouldn't usually get to take, like watercolor.

My living situation was great! I had a lovely set of host parents who really welcomed us into the family. My roommate and I were even able to travel with our host mom to her hometown and meet her father and brother. Her cooking was excellent, and although not everyone had such a positive experience, I think overall most students in both homestays and residential living were happy with their choices.

Overall, the IES Granada semester was well-run and made sure we felt at home. They even cooked us a Thanksgiving dinner :)

(note: I am an Ambassador for IES Abroad, but only because I felt so much support from IES with my injury and semester, that I wanted to share my experience with others!)

What would you improve about this program?
Not all of my friends loved their classes (some were better than others), but I was really happy with most of them and to have the opportunity to take them all in Spanish.
120 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Treasures Uncovered Under the Alhambra Hill

I studied abroad in Granada in the fall semester of 2018. I had chosen the program somewhat on a whim early the previous semester because it offered classes in my major of religious studies but still provided the opportunity for Spanish immersion. Even though I dove into my decision knowing very little about Granada or even the program, it was the best decision I could have made.
I entered into the program feeling very anxious but excited about my adventure ahead. Still, I was doubting my language abilities and worried about building a community in Granada. Those doubts were quickly diminished when I experience the warmth and love of the IES Granada staff that grew to become a huge support system for me. I also quickly was feeling confident in my language abilities through the growing relationship with my host mom through our daily lunches together, talking politics or about the latest celebrity drama we would see in the news.
Studying in Granada provided me with new and exciting learning opportunities. One of my favorite classes that I took was Islamic Art and Architecture, through which we visited nearly every corner of the city exploring its architecture. Through this class I had the privilege of visiting the Alhambra multiple times, and we even got to visit parts of the Alhambra that are not open to the public. Each class at IES provided unique learning opportunities, but I was most thankful for the opportunity to improve my language abilities through most of my classes being taught in Spanish. Through my experience abroad, I learned about the rich religious history of Granada through classes like Islamic Civilizations in Spain and Memory and Identity of Sephardic Jews. This was incredibly interesting to me and gave me new learning opportunities within my major. I also gained a stronger sense of independence and a new perspective of how to navigate another part of the world. It was incredibly worthwhile to learn about myself, the city of Granada, and the world as a whole.
When studying abroad on a budget, Granada is a fantastic place. There are so many restaurants to explore throughout the city. Plus, whenever you order a drink, whether it be Tinto de Verano, Fanta Limón or something else, they’ll bring you a tapa along with it! One of my personal favorites for food was Shawarma, a delicious pita stuffed with grilled kebab chicken and loads of veggies and yummy sauces - all for only 3 euro! The city is incredibly walkable, but also very affordable in terms of public transportation. There are busses to the university, bus station, airport, and other parts of the city. A few weekends my friends took the busses out to the Sierra Nevadas and hiked. It was beautiful and so awesome to have fantastic hiking trails so close. Another weekend in December when snow was finally on the mountains, we had the opportunity to ski! The program also provided fantastic excursions including trips to Cabo de Gata, Ronda, Córdoba, Sevilla and Morocco. Each trip provided new immersion into cultures and opportunities to learn about art and history. The Morocco trip was truly a highlight of my experience. I stayed with a host family in Rabat, experienced the Hamman (the traditional arab baths), had lunch with a family in a village of the Rif Mountains, and so much more.
Throughout my time in Granada, I met people within my program that I now know will be lifelong friends. I met Spanish friends through orientadores of the IES program as well as through the intercambio pairing. Should you choose, IES pairs you with a Spanish peer so that you have someone to meet up with, practice your Spanish, and learn more about what it is like to be a young person in Spain. My intercambio grew to be one of my great friends, and I am thankful to have met her.
Overall, my experience in Granada was fantastic and I will always look at it as a second home. It helped me grow as an individual but also as a world citizen. I am incredibly grateful for my opportunity to study there and I highly recommend studying in Granada with IES to anyone hoping to study abroad.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Un Nuevo Hogar

I came into my semester in Granada nervous. I would describe myself as someone who likes routine and familiarity and these 4 months were anything but that. But looking back, going abroad to Granada with IES Abroad was absolutely the best decision I could have made. Although it may sound cheesy and/or unrealistic to some, I can honestly say that since going abroad I can see so much self growth in myself. At the end of the semester, I was so surprised by how hard I found it to say goodbye to the new life I had created. Today Lately I have been finding myself missing so much about my "2nd home". I miss the relaxed "no pasa nada" lifestyle in Granada that was such a refreshing change from my always busy U.S. life. I miss being able to walk anywhere and everywhere. I immensely miss my incredible host mom who not only always made sure my housemate and I were well fed, but also always supported and comfortable. I miss the IES staff and professors who taught me so many new things I would never have been able to learn at my home school, organized amazing activities for us in Granada (ex. cooking classes, wine tastings, open mic nights), planned trips for us ranging in location from nearby Cordoba to Morocco, and most importantly, were always there if we needed anything at all. I miss being able to meet up with my friends for tapas and tinto de verano and maybe gelato from Los Italianos afterwards. I miss studying in the IES center and getting to look up and see the Alhambra above me. Most of all, I miss the person I was able to be in Granada: similar, but also different to the person I am back in the U.S. Both the city of Granada and the IES Abroad program gave me so much, both personally and academically, and I will be forever thankful that I chose to push myself to go far outside of my comfort zone and study in Granada. Although it may have only been 4 months, I know that I will hold this experience close and continue to learn and grow from it for a long time.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best choice I made for my education!

I studied abroad with IES Granada in the spring semester of 2018 and it was one of the best choices I could’ve made. Though it’s hard to capture the essence of my study abroad experience with words, here are a few things that could help you imagine what the city and program is like:

In terms of academics, the classes that are offered all integrate Granada’s rich history and character into the coursework. I took classes like Watercolor Workshop and Art History that allow you to go out and explore the city with your class every single week. I loved how interactive these classes were. If you have other interests, but don’t see any classes that the program offers that cater to them, you also have the option to take classes at the University of Granada.

The city is also very accessible in terms of public transportation. There are taxis, busses, and even bikes that can take you to important spots like the downtown area, the university, the airport, and the bus station. This will especially come in handy if you decide to travel on weekends. There are beautiful nearby pueblos that you could (and should!) easily visit in a day—Nerja, Marbella, Cónchar, Málaga, El Chorro-Caminito del Rey, to name a few. The program also takes students on excursions to Sierra Nevada, Sevilla, Ronda, Córdoba, and Morocco. All of these trips were great experiences to get to know the region of Andalucía. The Morocco trip was unforgettable. There, we stayed with Moroccan homestays in the city of Rabat, which is just a small part of what makes that excursion so unique.

It’s because of the connections that the staff at IES Granada has that allowed the program to have such wonderful opportunities. The staff, advisors, and orientadores all made me feel really welcome and were very helpful in connecting me with resources or activities that I was interested in. If you want to volunteer, join a club sports team, get an internship or just explore the city in general, everyone who works at the center in Granada can help…just ask! I became good friends with the orientadores just by hanging out with them whenever they organized something, and I really appreciated having people my age to show me around.

I also walked to the IES center every week for classes and was amazed by the historical sites I saw every day on my short walk. The cathedral and the Alhambra are two of the biggest historical sites that I was fortunate enough to learn about in my classes, and then visit during my time in Granada. Along with this are beautiful areas to hike, run, walk, and even ski (in the nearby Sierra Nevada Mountains)!

Granada is also a really cheap city to live in, compared to other cities in Spain. So take advantage because a little bit of money can really go a long way. You especially cannot beat the tapas deals offered here! The program also offers great financial aid opportunities, which really helped me enjoy and experience my study abroad dreams. I highly recommend studying abroad with IES Granada, it is an opportunity that has made a deep impression on my life. It is where I learned a lot about Spanish culture, the Spanish language, and most importantly about myself.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Just the Beginning!

I really enjoyed my time in Granada for a few different reasons. I visited and lived in one of the coolest parts of Spain for a semester; getting to know the people, places, and history surrounding Andalucía. I learned how to speak better Spanish, I met very amazing Spanish people, ate tapas, and visited many different sites. In terms of academics, I took five courses and all but one was taught in Spanish. In some of the classes I learned about the history of Sephardic Jews, Flamenco, and how universities like UGR utilize technology for different social causes. One of my favorite aspects of this program was the different excursions that we were able to participate in. We had about five excursions during the semester that were free to IES students. During these trips we went on hikes, tours of different Cathedrals, museums, and old sites. I also loved being able to get to know the city of Granada itself. I walked nearly everywhere; to the Albycin, the Alhambra, and cafes. There were so many different places to visit- and most in walking distance. But it also wasn't hard to get to visit other cities from Granada- you could take a day trip to another major city using an ALSA bus, which was cheap and convenient. The community in Granada was pretty laid back and fun, I made some really great friends with Spanish university students, other IES students, and also my host mom! I think one of my favorite memories was being able to participate in the open mics that IES put on. I was able to practice, have jam sessions, and conversations with IES and local university students. From this experience, I got to know the people in Granada and felt more connected to the community there. Overall, I really enjoyed my time in Spain and I consider it as just the beginning of my adventures in Spain!

60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Everything I Dreamed of and MORE

You always dream of the perfect study abroad experience, but much to my surprise, my time at IES Abroad Granada exceeded my expectations! I hadn't been planning to study abroad with this program, or in this city, but I am SO thankful I did! Granada is the ideal city in Spain to immerse yourself in the traditional Spanish culture, and the IES program there is run in an incredible manner. The staff at IES cares about you having an immersive, self-reflective, amazing journey, and they help you along the way. I stayed with an amazing host family and got to know other Spanish students through orientation leaders and friends I made through out the program. I am so grateful that the program created such a safe and inviting atmosphere to share with others all of the challenges and awesome things you experience while live abroad for a semester. I would highly HIGHLY recommend IES Abroad to anyone who would listen! You're going to experience an authentic Spanish city, see amazing historical landmarks, and practice your Spanish everyday! You'll be talking about your semester in Granada for years to come!

What would you improve about this program?
Ideally I would like more classes to be offered at the IES center. It is a limited selection, but I still was able to find classes that covered credits at my home university!
56 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Pomegranate of my Eye

"Granada" translates to "pomegranate" (just to make sure the title of this review makes sense!). My experience in Granada was unique, challenging, inspiring, thought provoking and something I cherish so deeply. I experienced ups and downs as studying abroad challenges you to leap out of your comfort zone. I definitely was thrilled to be doing this, but it was definitely a bit overwhelming at times. One of the reasons I found IES Abroad Granada to be such a great program was because of the staffs commitment to understanding students' individual experiences, meeting them where they are at, and supporting them the best they could. The staff of this program in Granada radiated kindness and made a genuine effort to know each student. The warm and empathetic attitudes of the staff created a very positive environment that felt optimal for personal and community growth. Additionally, the IES Abroad Granada program includes many trips and participating in these adventures broadened my perspectives and also helped me to develop and strengthen relationships with those around me. During my semester in Granada, I lived in a homestay and this was a major highlight of my experience. Not only did it greatly help me improve my Spanish skills, but it also made me feel like I truly had a second home. It was also a very positive experience getting to know my host family and others from Granada as I was building relationships in a different language. An aspect of this program that I found very beneficial is that each student is paired with a student who attends the University of Granada and are encouraged to get together and help each other improve their language skills. Overall, the IES Abroad Granada program provided me with amazing opportunities to learn and grow in a setting previously unfamiliar to me. It led me to build meaningful and lasting relationships and it gave me experiences that I continue to learn from even while I am back at home. Lastly, the city of Granada is a place of jaw-dropping beauty and amazing history, and this program helped me to get to know this place like it was my home.

What would you improve about this program?
I think that this program could be improved by having more events that bring IES students together with students from Granada. The experiences I did have in settings with students from both were wonderful and I think many would enjoy spending more time getting to know students from different places and cultures.
59 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An unforgettable semester under la Alhambra hill

It was so bittersweet to leave the place that became my home in more ways than one. I’m so grateful to have had the experience of watching as, day-by-day, a place that bagan feeling so unfamiliar and big became a place filled with loved ones, favorite cafes, and memories at every former. It was a semester filled to the brim with café con leche and tinto de verano, sunset picnics and spontaneous weekend trips, Spanish conversations that varied wildly in their successfulness, and so many new beautiful friends. Granda is an incredibly beautiful, authentic, and culturally and historically rich small city. It has everything you could possibly want in a study abroad location but it’s also small enough that you can walk almost anywhere. All of my classes at IES were interesting and the professors were very passionate about their jobs. I also took a class at the local university and the IES staff was extremely supportive in finding a class and professor that fit well with my interests and abilities. IES was also wonderful in organizing several weekend trips. The trip to Morocco was a one in a lifetime experience – I was able to meet a family through a homestay as well as so a variety of Moroccan youth. I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone and everyone.

59 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Giselle, I think they can. However, I would not recommend it actually. Classes at the university are taught completely in Spanish and also at the level for native speakers and would be very difficult to keep up with if you are not near fluency. Regarding what section you are placed in, I know with my program, IES, you take one placement test before you arrive and two more after you get there...

Most people walk to the IES Center from their homestays, and most people's commutes were under 30 minutes. Only a few more around 40 minutes, and a lucky few were less than 10 minutes away. As far as public transit, Granada only has a bus system, and while it can be helpful (especially for getting to the larger bus station or the University of Granada, if you decide to take a class there), a lot...

There are many ways that you can meet Spanish people without taking classes at the University. IES sets each student up with an "intercambio", a Spanish student that also wants American friends. You can get in touch with each other and hang out as much as you want. You will also meet many Spanish people when you go out to tapas, bars, salsa clubs, etc... I would definitely recommend living with a...