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CEA CAPA Education Abroad

Why choose CEA CAPA Education Abroad?

With 22 destinations across 13 countries, CEA CAPA Education Abroad offers an ideal balance of academics, internships, and adventure to more than 4,000 students each year. Click on “Visit Site” to explore our study and internship opportunities and find out just out how far international education can take you.

Why study abroad or complete an internship abroad? You’ll gain cross-cultural experience, take your learning beyond the classroom, and develop new interests all while staying on track for graduation. As you take courses abroad and explore career options through an internship, you’ll build an international network, develop marketable skills, and prepare to stand out in the job market.

Since 1997, CEA CAPA Education Abroad has provided high-quality international academic programs and services. At CEA CAPA, we support you from the moment you apply to the day you return home. Our team is here to help you meet your academic needs and make your study abroad dreams a reality.


CEA CAPA Scholarships and Financial Aid

CEA CAPA is committed to increasing access to study and interning abroad. We offer more than $2 million each year in scholarships, affiliations, and grant programs.

$100 - $5,000

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

CEA CAPA provides, in conjunction with Diversity Abroad, Destination Guides which provide resources and tips for Black/African-American students, Latinx students, Asian American students, and all other students of color.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Through our personalized advising, CEA CAPA takes steps to understand the needs of a diversity of student identities like the LGBTQIA+ community. In addition to diversity and identity training, CEA CAPA leadership engage in continuous department level project work to identify and revise policies and practices using the appropriate Justice, Equity, Diversity or Inclusion lens as a frame to reduce bias and barriers that impact students, faculty, and staff. CEA CAPA is intentional in elevating diverse student voices and providing a platform for a broad array of identities to share their experiences abroad. The CEA CAPA World Blog promotes stories and personal experiences from the perspectives of diverse student bloggers and vloggers.

Neurodivergent Support

CEA CAPA is willing and able to assist students with learning disabilities and physical disabilities. Students are requested to disclose disabilities through the application health forms as part of their application and in discussion with their application advisor or program manager. The earlier CEA CAPA is made aware of learning or physical disabilities the better we can work with the student, institution, and overseas team to tailor an Individualized Education Program if necessary to support the student.



CEA CAPA makes a conscious effort to create study abroad experiences that leave a positive impact on host communities. Each location implements a variety of strategies to support the local community and promote sustainability. Examples include:

Use of recycling bins in Study Center locations and in CEA CAPA housing

Signage in CEA CAPA housing urging students to limit water and electricity usage

Students are often given reusable bags and water bottles upon arrival to limit single plastic use

Students are provided with instructions for acquiring transportation passes to promote use of public transportation rather than taxis


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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Abroad in Sevilla

Studying abroad with CEA CAPA in Sevilla an awesome experience that exceeded all my expectations. The program's organization and support made the transition smooth and enjoyable, allowing me to immerse myself fully in the new Spanish lifestyle

The academic component of the program was super informative and rewarding. The courses were thoughtfully designed to provide deep insights into Spanish culture and history, and the professors were truly so engaged, caring and knowledgable in their fields.

CEA CAPA also facilitated numerous excursions and cultural activities that enriched my understanding of Spain. We had many excursions through our classes as well cooking classes, kayaking on the Gualaquivir and flamenco shows. These activities not only broadened my knowledge but also helped me build lasting friendships with fellow students.

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Lucia Isa
Yes, I recommend this program

My time with CEA CAPA!

I spent the fall of my junior year abroad in Madrid, Spain, and it was the best decision I had made for myself. Through CEA CAPA Programming and Housing assignments, I met some of the best people I have ever met. My eight roommates and other friends supported me endlessly during my time abroad. My favorite memory is the 24-person Friendsgiving my roommates and I hosted; that was the moment we all knew how abroad had impacted us and our long-lasting friendships.

The most common questions regarding my experience from people interested in going abroad are about academics, social life, and traveling.

I studied at the Universidad de Carlos III in Spain, and only half of the classes I took during my time abroad were related to my major. The rest were considered general elective credit because I knew I wanted a more flexible schedule when I was abroad. I would say that they were at about the same difficulty level as my home university.

Another question I often get is about the commute to campus. In my opinion, Madrid has one of the best metro systems in Europe. It is incredibly convenient and easy to understand. My apartment was in Madrid, and the Carlos campus is in Getafe, a little out of Madrid. I took the Cercanias train straight to school from my apartment, and the commute took about 45 minutes. I wish it was shorter and at first, I thought commuting was crazy, but my roommates and I got used to it. It was also one of the first times I had ever experienced public transportation alone. I also structured my classes so that I only had to commute there and back once a day, and I spent time in the library between classes. One of my favorite memories is that my friends and I always got a cafe con leche and a pastry for 1.60 euros daily between classes.

The social life in Spain is very alive. There was always something new to do, and it felt like the city had never slept. Our favorite tapas place is called Malaspina in the city center. The staff laughed every time we walked in because of how often we would go. My friends and I also loved to explore new places in different neighborhoods. My favorite neighborhood was Malasaña because it felt young.

My favorite trip was to Sevilla, which CEA CAPA organized. It was a beautiful location, and the trip felt stress-free. Not only were all my friends on this trip, but we could take our time rather than feel like we had to be on the go compared to other trips I had been on. The program also organized different optional tours during this trip, making coordinating easier.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Although I spent a good amount of time in Madrid when I wasn't traveling, I wish I explored Madrid more. Madrid is a big city with so much to offer and I did not realize that until towards the end of my time. There are so many different neighborhoods that are so unique and there is so much history that I wished I spent more time learning about it. However, that means I just have to go back.
  • Endless Opportunities
  • Metro System
  • Active Social Scene and Safe
  • Commute to School
  • Class Registration
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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester in Aix

I loved my time in Aix-en-Provence studying with CEA CAPA staff and other students from around North America. I had so much support from CEA CAPA staff and got to make so many memories. CEA CAPA provided so many opportunities for excursions and local events such as cooking classes, comedy shows, etc. I am passionate about studying abroad now because of my time with CEA CAPA. I connected so much with the culture around me. I hope that I get a chance to go back to Aix-en-Provence in the future.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Studying Abroad in Prague With CEA CAPA

I studied abroad in Prague my sophomore year of college. I really enjoyed my time abroad and the support given by CEA. The housing was in a great location near city center and you could navigate the city well with public transport. The courses taught were engaging and connected well to class excursions. We took trips to museums, markets, other cities within the Czech Republic and more. The teachers and staff were understanding and always willing to help. The most difficult aspect was the language barrier, most people speak some English in Prague but once you leave the city most don't.

  • Low cost of living.
  • Great nightlife and social scene.
  • Full of rich history.
  • The weather is quite cold and grey for a lot of the year.
Response from CEA CAPA Education Abroad

Hi Josephine! Your semester in Prague sounds perfect! So glad you connected with your professors and the culture on excursions. Thanks for sharing your feedback and photo.

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Yes, I recommend this program

CEA CAPA London Internship Program

I spent a semester abroad via the CEA CAPA London Internship Program as a U.S. student. I mostly decided to do the program due to the internship opportunity, which has been beneficial to have on my resume after returning to the U.S. The academics abroad were good as well, as my professors were London based with many qualifications. The CEA CAPA staff were supportive and hosted events to help students get involved. Housing was decent, but be mindful of crime. Overall, I thought it was worthwhile.

Response from CEA CAPA Education Abroad

Hi Alexandra! So glad you connected with your professors and found your internship abroad rewarding and worthwhile. Thanks for sharing your feedback!


Displaying 19 - 27 of 36

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Dennis Cogan

Dennis is a junior studying psychology and sociology at Fordham University. He virtually interned in Paris through CEA during the Spring 2021 semester
Dennis Cogan


Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program for two reasons. The first reason was that I wanted to gather valuable work experience in the field that I love. Due to the pandemic, I was unable to have an internship last summer. Also, I wanted to get somewhat of an abroad experience. I was unable to study abroad due to the pandemic, so I thought this program would be a great way to get an international taste.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

CEA was very helpful in placing me with the right internship. They listened to what I was looking for, and they worked their hardest to find the best fit for me. CEA did a great job in teaching me how to be a good intern and how to succeed in the workplace whether that be through the internship seminar or through the weekly group meetings.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

My primary piece of advice is to not be afraid to share your ideas. Being an intern can be intimidating at first, but you will get the most out of your experience if you are open to growth and new ideas. Also, it is okay if you do something writing. Being an intern is a learning experience; do not be so hard on yourself!

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

An average day as a virtual intern truly varies. It is up to you on how you want to divide the internship work. However, throughout my internship, I found myself doing a little bit of work at a time. I would not recommend cramming all your work into one setting. Time management is a key aspect! However, over the week, you spend about 15 hours or so on internship work.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was that it would not be fun. I used to hold this viewpoint that work cannot be fun and that it is just strenuous and busy work. I quickly learned during my internship that this is not the case. Finding fun in work comes from within. It stems from being yourself, sharing your ideas, and being grateful for your experience.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Sara Ferrero

Job Title
Student Services Advisor
Sara has a degree in Media Studies from the University Carlos III de Madrid and studied abroad in California at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) for her junior year. She loves traveling, learning new things and working with students.

Did YOU study abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

I studied abroad in California at CSULB. My first interest in studying abroad came from wanting to improve my English. Moreover, I have always been really interested in America, its culture and the many beautiful places the country has to offer.

What country have you always wanted to visit?

After visiting America, my new obsession is Australia. I would love to be able to spend some time there and discover all the wonderful landscapes that it has.

Why is language learning and cultural immersion important to you?

Being able to speak other languages is crucial in several aspects of your life; it is a key factor for everyone's professional career while, at the same time, it is a personal challenge that brings joy and confidence when achieved.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have grown both professionally and personally since I started working for CEA. As my first job, working for CEA has taught me how to manage myself in a professional environment, how to take responsibility, and how to react while working under pressure.