Multiple Locations +2
  • India
  • Nepal
4 - 12 weeks
Need-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans
Health & Safety

Program Details

City Exploring Rafting Trekking
Fall Spring
Guesthouse Host Family Hostel
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Fall 2024: $14,900

Spring 2025: $14,900

Program tuition includes all food, accommodations, scheduled program activities, and international travel insurance for the duration of the program. International airfare and spending money are extra. International airfare is estimated at $1800 - 2200; internal India flight is estimated at $200 - $300; visa fees are estimated at $150.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Travel Insurance
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
May 30, 2024
Sep 12, 2020
21 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Come face-to-face with complex social structures, diverse religions, and the intersection of tradition and change. In India and Nepal, you’ll explore another part of the world - and yourself - that will transform your perspectives on culture, climate, and spirituality forever.

In India, find a convergence of ancient traditions and the embodiment of paradox as this modern nation of 1.3 billion models rapid economic and technological change. Trek through the Himalayas in Nepal where you’ll find peace and serenity in remote communities against the backdrop of eight of the world’s highest peaks. This Carpe Diem experience is irresistible to the most adventurous rappers - students on this semester emerge as self-directed and resilient world travelers.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

We recognize that we are a long way from the diversity we aim for within our students, staff, and partners. We want and need more diversity to truly become the organization we would like to be. We recognize that this will not happen overnight or without dedicating time, attention, and resources. To that end, we have created a strategic plan to address our current shortfalls and to make significant improvements, which you can see on our Diversity & Inclusion page.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Neurodivergent Support

At Carpe Diem, each applicant reads through our extensive Essential Eligibility Criteria prior to enrollment. This criteria allows applicants to determine if the organization is an appropriate fit for their gap semester/year goals and their individual needs. During the interview and application process, we have honest and direct conversations with students and families about the support that our staff is able to provide throughout the program experience. We are committed to creating a culture of acceptance and support. To that end, our Overseas Educators and local leaders are selected for their skill in group facilitation and promoting inclusive group dynamics.

Accessibility Support

At Carpe Diem, each applicant reads through our extensive Essential Eligibility Criteria prior to enrollment. This criteria allows applicants to determine if the organization is an appropriate fit for their gap semester/year goals and their individual needs. We have honest and open conversations with applicants about our ability to support individual needs on each program, with the ultimate goal of a healthy and successful experience for all students. In the past, we have worked with students with severe allergies, diabetes, chronic injuries, and mental health diagnoses. We know each student's journey is individual and we work with families to support these individual needs where possible to help determine if the program is a good fit for their gap semester goals.



We are committed to maximizing the net positive impact while minimizing the carbon footprint of every program. In our office, on our programs, and through our carbon offset match, our programs are geared toward environmental education to empower future leaders to move their communities to take action. During our programs, students learn more about their impact as individuals and a travel community - then take a solution-oriented lens to tackling key issues. We also contribute to and amplify the voices of organizations and partners who focus on permaculture, natural building, and sustainable solutions.

Ethical Impact

Our programs are designed to connect to our local communities and provide reciprocal exchange and engagement. Through engaging in experiential education, community engagement, and intercultural exchange, our students develop enhanced perspectives, deeper cultural understanding, and a profound sense of self-discovery and personal growth. We work with vetted local providers to build their businesses as they provide value to our students and programming. With our homestay families, we ensure we minimize our footprint by regularly rotating the communities we work with and evaluating our social impact alongside their community leaders.

Program Highlights

  • Work with an NGO to protect India's wildlife, help rebuild after earthquakes in Nepal, and learn how simple tech and ancient practices can restore water tables during droughts.
  • Engage in hands-on work through artistic internships with local artisans, where you’ll explore skills and crafts that have been practiced for centuries, yet are being lost in the age of technology.
  • Live with homestay families in rural and urban areas, allowing you to understand economic disparities and differences in accessing education, resources, and technology.
  • Explore your spirituality and develop a deeper awareness of the region's myriad of religious and spiritual practices.
  • Trek the Himalayas—there's no other mountain range like it on Earth, and you'll traverse the remote mountainside, meeting new friends in remote locations along the way.

Program Dates

Application Deadline
Program Dates

Program Reviews

4.86 Rating
based on 21 reviews
  • 5 rating 95.24%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 4.76%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 4.7
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.75
  • Value 4.85
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 9 - 16 of 21 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Opportunity

I came back from India a more confident, compassionate human being. I made friendships that will last a life time and had leaders who widened my perspective tremendously. Carpe Diem had a miraculous impact on how I view the world and myself. The program is thoughtfully designed with authentic interactions to help young adults grow. If you are looking for an opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and learn how to independently travel, Carpe Diem is perfect for you. India and my experiences there forever hold a very special place in my heart.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Carpe Diem Study Abroad India

I could not have picked a better gap year option than this one! I left not knowing much about what to expect and I received more from this year abroad than I could have every hoped to achieve. For my first semester I traveled to India and my second I traveled to Bali, Indonesia. Every new place I went to ended up being a positive experience for me and I was constantly taken out of my comfort zone in fun ways. I also had the best overseas educators who traveled with me on my first semester! It was challenging at times being in a place so foreign, but every challenge I overcame helped me to become a stronger person and taught me lessons that continue to help me in my life back in the states. My first semester effectively prepared me to travel on my own and my second semester tested my travel abilities. Some other aspects that I thought were really cool about this program are that they don't allow you to have technology your first semester and they give you a lot of freedom to explore your surroundings.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers in this program is to go in with an open mind because you are going to experience a world completely different from the United States and if you want to get the most from this time its important to take in as much as possible!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Mind-Blowing India!

My semester in India was the most incredible experience of my life! A few years ago I completed at NOLS course and during that trip I wrote in my journal that my next dream was to go to India. After completing two years of college I was ready to make that dream a reality. I considered another NOLS course but wanted a bigger experience that included being a part of another culture. After a ton of research the Carpe Diem program was the standout because it combined adventure travel with volunteerism and homestays. We traveled far and wide by plane, bus, train and tuk tuks; we saw everything from the craziness of the cities to the wide-open peace of the mountains; we ate every kind of Indian food imaginable and street food was our favorite; we volunteered for amazing organizations like Mother Theresa's Home in Kolkata, a school called SECMOL high in the Himalayas, and an organic farm; we traveled to the most amazing ancient places; and we worked as a group and learned to support and love each other. Every sense - sight, sound, touch and smell - was stimulated beyond belief. It was MIND BLOWING!!!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I would tell anyone that this is not a cushy vacation type trip. You will be challenged in so many ways. You will have to learn to deal with other people, you will be in uncomfortable situations like trying to understand a different language and a different culture, you will be squished into buses, trains and tuk tuks, you will see some rough things, you will taste and smell some crazy things... But you will also have an experience that will be life changing! You will think about your time in India for the rest of your life! I would go back in a minute!!!
52 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Semester of Bliss

Traveling to India with Carpe Diem Education was definitely one of the best decision I have made in my life so far. India was a dream of mine for awhile and to be able to have had such an amazing trip is a blessing. The group of people I traveled with became my lifelong friends and my overseas educators became my lifelong role models. I knew I would get along with the group because out of the 327.2 million people in the US, 7 of us ended up in the same spot wanting the same thing. Anyways, having amazing people in my group was just the icing on the cake, as for my experience in India is something I can never forget. The itinerary was beautifully thought out and we did so many enriching activities. We were always volunteering in multiple different cities and states, participating in challenging activities to push our limits to achieve a better you, such as an living ashram life on the Ganges river or trekking along the Himalayas. We ate the most amazing food in some of the highest quality restaurants and as well as at the best street vendors, we became best friends with the contacts Carpe had out there, and were just be able to be living in the moment everyday so easily. Carpe Diem made sure we were experiencing as much as we could while focusing on the importance of education. I loved India and everything about it. I think about the trip all the time and can not wait until I can make my way back out there. With that being said I highly recommend this trip and to those who have read this far I hope you choose this program and have the best time! :)

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
This food isn't super unfamiliar but it was the best thing I had on the trip. I was so obsessed with them, that for a week I ate them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are called Momos, they are a Tibetan dish that are kind of similar to dumplings, but a million times better. The city they are most present at is, Mcleod Ganj. So if you are there make SURE to try them!
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best way to educate!

I traveled to India with Carpe Diem Education the fall after I graduated high school. It was my first time out of the country, away from my family, volunteering abroad, etc. and I could not have asked for a better experience. The things you learn by just getting outside and getting out of your comfort zone are beyond anything I ever learned in a classroom. And by having this educational experience that was so hands on and beneficial to me, it helped my to grow a new outlook and mindset that prepared me to learn again in the more traditional settings. I learned how to make the most of my opportunities, how to be appreciative and learn from ever experience good and bad, and I learned the power of gratitude. If your looking for to take a gap year before you venture into college I would definitely recommend taking a trip with Carpe Diem. It will prepare you for your adult life in ways you didn’t think you needed to be prepared. As for the semester in India specifically; I couldn’t think of a better place to learn about culture and ways of life in places different from what we’re used to in the US. You will travel to endlessly diverse places that are beyond rich in culture.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go into this opportunity with enthusiasm and an open mind. Be prepared to make friends you will value for a lifetime. Be prepared to get into u comfortable situations be that trying a new food, trying to speak to someone with a language barrier, or your first time using a squat toilet, and be prepared to come out of those situations stronger, wiser, and happier. Ask lots of questions and take lots of pictures. Be curious! This isn’t just an opportunity to go overseas or to take a trip somewhere pretty. This is a chance to grow and learn while being guided by incredibly knowledgeable, talented, and friendly educators. It’s really the opportunity of a lifetime and I’d encourage anyone interested in taking it to take it with a smile and an open mind. You’ll leave with a brighter brain and a fuller heart.
48 people found this review helpful.
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An unforgettable moment in life

India has overall impacted me so much in so many different ways. I got to travel in an unfamiliar place and manage to connect with the locals in India more than I do in the States. I always felt welcomed in every city that I visited and made a lot of new friends. The locals were all so nice and I didn't have to deal with as much of a language barrier than I expected. I was lucky enough to have two leaders that supported me the whole entire way. My leader Adam was amazing with his Hindi and really enjoyed conversating with the locals, whereas Rebecca is a foodie and showed everyone all the best food in India. I easily adapted to the food that I was unfamiliar with and completely fell in love with it. While traveling to the different cities in India, I got to learn a lot about the history of India and be able to adapt to different environments such as the village life, and living with homestays. I also go to visit one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal and I got to go trekking up the Himalayas! Every moment of the trip was amazing and I hope to go back to India on my own one day.

What would you improve about this program?
I would've loved to experience a bit of South India as well.
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My Semester in India

My three months in India with Carpe turned out to be one of the most impactful experiences of my life, in every positive aspect. The decision to embark in this journey proved to be the right one. When the trip started and as we traveled along this expansive country, the level of organization and preparation the Carpe Diem Team had in place was truly professional and most of all: creative. The wide range and diverse assortment of activities we went through made every single day a whole different experience.

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to learn from two very experienced group leaders that had been through all corners of the world. Their wisdom guided me and all my team members through the wonderful country of India. Having these two teachers was beyond a blessing and their openness to share their knowledge of the world makes them to this day the best teachers I've ever had.

The reality is that traveling is not the easiest of tasks, and sometimes there will be moments where you will be tested and things could get difficult to manage, but it is in these moments that true growth happens. India was filled with character building experiences that allowed for the opportunity of growth. By the time our stay in this country finished I was very proud who me and my group members had become. What started out as a group of strangers quickly turned into a beautiful supportive family.

Carpe Diem did a wonderful job in teaching us students the ins and outs of traveling and how to make the most out of our travels. India taught us the beauty of spirituality and the extremes of life, from poverty to riches. All in all I couldn't of dreamed of a better experience.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Come with an open heart ready to learn and be surprised. And most importantly take advantage of every moment, because good times like these pass by really fast.
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My Journey

So my Carpe Diem experience was truly remarkable. To say that my leaders were supportive would be a huge understatement. I had a lot of emotions to work through between the culture shock and terribly missing my long term boyfriend and they were constantly there for me through it all. Along with that on our huge hike into the Himalayas I struggled quite a bit as I’m over weight and not much of a hiker. My leaders had no problem staying back with me as I stopped and rested and took my sweet time. Through all the tears and frustration they were always there for me with a small and the best of advice. On top of it all they gave us all the tips and tricks to be able to travel independetly, safely and on a budget. This program was absolutely life changing and I wouldn’t change a single thing about it :)

What would you improve about this program?
I can’t think of anything. The only thing I didn’t like were a couple of my group members and in the end we all learned how to deal with one another
45 people found this review helpful.

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