Awful host family

Program Selection: 3
Pre-departure Help: 3
In-program Support: 3
Impact on Student: 1
Value: 1

My daughter was in the camp this year . She is 13 . She was placed in this horrible host family. The woman was around 53 . My daughter told me her son around 20 was living with her she has 2 rooms to host the girls. My daughter told me she was horrible. She wouldn’t allow to drink water at night and it was very hot no air conditioning. She had one bathroom for 5 girls her and the son .
I gave her a bag with snicks the woman just took it and did not allowed to tach it. She would give them just a bread for breakfast.
The bank bed was so low that it was very difficult to breathe.
She wouldn’t take them any were . They would stay at home all the time.
My daughter come so stressed.
For my money!!! The camp it not cheat.!!!!!

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No, I would not
Year Completed