Auxiliare de Conversacion

Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I moved to Spain after finishing up four years of college on the East Coast. I had lived, worked, and traveled through Europe a few times before but there was still a fair amount of nervous energy in me pre-departure. Upon my arrival to Madrid, jet-lagged and in a little bit of shock, I was immediately greeted by some of the most enthusiastic leaders I have ever met. It was honestly so reassuring to see the excitement that they had for our experience and made me feel comfortable knowing that they enjoyed their experience to such a degree that it prompted them to stay for another year. As I approach the end of my first year I couldn't be more excited to be spending another year in Spain and in Europe as an overall whole. Going abroad after graduating, or really before any major life decision has drastically changed my approach on life and the plans that I had laid out for my future self. Putting yourself in a completely new environment culturally, linguistically, and geographically has allowed me to grow and develop in so many ways that I don't believe would have been available to me had I chosen to stay in the US. I have met people from all over the world, traded stories and drinks with some characters straight out of a novel, and have seen some of the most amazing places and monuments that I could only dream of as a child. The road is not always easy and there are honestly times where the pull of returning home is strong and there would be nothing more comforting than returning to everything that is familiar. But with the help of friends and colleagues that you meet in your adventures you can see just how many reasons there are to stay and further develop yourself. Plus it doesn't hurt that I can travel across Europe for half the price of a ticket from Boston to California.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed